
Monday Sep 02, 2024
Monday Sep 02, 2024
Unbreakable Truth In Education: Exposing Corruption in Utah's School System
Welcome to Unbreakable Truth In Education, the show that shines a spotlight on the hidden corruption within Utah's education system. Hosted by Natalie Cline and co-hosted by Monica Wilbur, this series is dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the policies, practices, and individuals that are compromising the education of our children.
Each episode will delve into the pressing issues that are often overlooked or ignored—issues that directly impact students, parents, and educators across the state. We are committed to holding those in power accountable and ensuring that our schools are places of learning, not politics.
Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM as we delve into the pressing issues that are often overlooked or ignored—issues that directly impact students, parents, and educators across the state. we expose the cracks in the system and advocate for a brighter future for Utah's students. Stay informed, get involved, and be part of the movement for educational integrity.
🔔 Subscribe to never miss an episode of Unbreakable Truth In Education. 📢 Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below – your voice matters!
Visit our website for more info: https://wearethepeople.orghttps://www.instagram.com/wearethepeopleutah/
🔗 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe** to stay updated on our future episodes. Your support is crucial in our mission to bring awareness and provoke critical thinking.
🔔 Subscribe and hit the notification bell** to receive updates on our latest investigations and discussions.
Click the link down below to watch the full episode on Rumble:
⬇️Watch on Youtube⬇️
Show Notes & References
Visit our website for detailed show notes and references for this episode.https://wearethepeople.org/
Our Proud & Patriotic Sponsorshighergroundup.comJordan Valley ConstructionJ&M SteelLiberty Libraryhighergroundup.comCastle Rock Interior Solutions, LLChttps://www.myntsolar.com/https://www.enevive.com/https://www.uvoagency.com/
📱 Stay ConnectedFollow us on Instagram**: @wearethepeopleutahLike us on Facebook**: We Are The PeopleVisit our website**: We Are The PeopleHashtags#WeAreThePeople#ConservativeMedia#AmericanFreedom#PoliticalDiscussion#RedStatePodcast#SaltLakeCityConservatives#WeAreThePeopleUtah#UtahValues#UnbreakableTruthInEducation#UtahEducation#EducationCorruption#NatalieCline#MonicaWilbur#ProtectOurKids#ExposeTheTruth#UtahSchools#EducationReform#WeAreThePeopleUtah

Sunday Sep 01, 2024
Sunday Sep 01, 2024
Introducing Matt and Lauren Tuggle's New Show
In this special episode, Jason Preston, host of We Are The People Utah, is proud to introduce a powerful new show, airing every Sunday at 8:00 AM, featuring Matt and Lauren Tuggle. Jason shares why he believes in this dynamic duo and their inspiring journey—from leaving California to settling in Utah to stand up for freedom and their deeply held religious values.
Matt and Lauren discuss the ongoing battle between light and dark and the urgent need for churches to step off the sidelines and into the fight. They remind us that this nation was birthed from the pulpits, and now more than ever, we need to return to those roots.
Join us every Sunday at 8:00 AM for a show that calls on all believers to rise and take a stand. Visit wearethepeople.org to donate or get more involved in our mission.
🔔 Subscribe to stay informed and inspired by our latest episodes. 📢 Engage with us in the comments below – your voice is crucial!
Visit our website for more info: https://wearethepeople.orghttps://www.instagram.com/wearethepeopleutah/
🔗 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe** to stay updated on our future episodes. Your support is crucial in our mission to bring awareness and provoke critical thinking.
🔔 Subscribe and hit the notification bell** to receive updates on our latest investigations and discussions.
Click the link down below to watch the full episode on Rumble:
⬇️Watch on Rumble⬇️
Show Notes & References
Visit our website for detailed show notes and references for this episode.https://wearethepeople.org/Our Proud & Patriotic Sponsorshighergroundup.comJordan Valley ConstructionJ&M SteelLiberty Libraryhighergroundup.comCastle Rock Interior Solutions, LLChttps://www.myntsolar.com/https://www.enevive.com/https://www.uvoagency.com/
📱 Stay ConnectedFollow us on Instagram**: @wearethepeopleutahLike us on Facebook**: We Are The PeopleVisit our website**: We Are The PeopleHashtags#WeAreThePeople#ConservativeMedia#AmericanFreedom#PoliticalDiscussion#RedStatePodcast#SaltLakeCityConservatives#WeAreThePeopleUtah #MattAndLaurenTuggle #FaithAndFreedom #ReligiousValues #BattleOfLightAndDark #ChurchesUnite #StandForTruth #UtahValues #SundayBroadcast #WeThePeople

Monday Aug 19, 2024
Monday Aug 19, 2024
In this episode, we delve into the unbelievable story of Mike Glover’s fight against the Provo Police and the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS). Mike shares his harrowing experiences and the injustices he faced, shedding light on the critical need to build our tribes and communities for support and protection. His story is a powerful call to action, emphasizing the importance of standing together against overreach and ensuring the safety and freedom of our families. Don't miss this eye-opening and empowering episode. Visit our website for more info: WeAreThePeople.org 🔗 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe** to stay updated on our future episodes. Your support is crucial in our mission to bring awareness and provoke critical thinking. 🔔 Subscribe and hit the notification bell** to receive updates on our latest investigations and discussions. Click the link down below to watch the full episode on Rumble: ⬇️Watch on Rumble⬇️ https://rumble.com/v5b81y5-mike-glove... Special Guest: Mike Glover Show Notes & References Visit our website for detailed show notes and references for this episode. Our Proud & Patriotic Sponsors Liberty Library Enevive UVO Agency 📱 Stay Connected Follow us on Instagram**: @wearethepeopleutah Like us on Facebook**: We Are The People Visit our website**: We Are The People Hashtags #WeAreThePeople #ConservativeMedia #AmericanFreedom #PoliticalDiscussion #RedStatePodcast #SaltLakeCityConservatives #MikeGloverFight #ProvoPolice #DSCFSInjustice #BuildOurTribes #CommunitySupport #StandTogether #ProtectOurFamilies #OverreachAwareness #FreedomAndSafety #JusticeForMikeGlover #TribalUnity #CallToAction #CommunityStrength

Monday Aug 19, 2024
Monday Aug 19, 2024
In this episode, we have a special guest, David Hurtado, a brave man who escaped Venezuela after being kidnapped and shot twice. David shares his harrowing story of survival and resilience, highlighting how the left's policies led Venezuela to fall into a dictatorship. He explains the dire situation in his home country and how they desperately need our help. David warns that if we’re not careful, we could face a similar fate here in Utah. His firsthand account serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving our freedoms and standing up against oppressive regimes. Visit our website for more info: We Are The People 🔗 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe** to stay updated on our future episodes. Your support is crucial in our mission to bring awareness and provoke critical thinking. 🔔 Subscribe and hit the notification bell** to receive updates on our latest investigations and discussions. Click the link down below to watch the full episode on Rumble: Watch on Rumble https://rumble.com/v5ag7ux-a-chilling... Special Guest David Hurtado Patriot Punch Patriot Punch Show Notes & References Visit our website for detailed show notes and references for this episode. Our Proud & Patriotic Sponsors Liberty Library Enevive UVO Agency 📱 Stay Connected Follow us on Instagram**: @wearethepeople Like us on Facebook**: We Are The People Visit our website**: We Are The People Hashtags #WeAreThePeople #ConservativeMedia #AmericanFreedom #PoliticalDiscussion #RedStatePodcast #SaltLakeCityConservatives #ConservativeCommentary #PatrioticTalk #VenezuelaCrisis #DavidHurtadoStory #EscapeFromDictatorship #LeftistPolicies #ProtectOurFreedoms #ResilienceAndSurvival #StandAgainstOppression #LearnFromHistory #PreserveLiberty #VenezuelanDictatorship #FightForFreedom #PreventSocialism #UtahFreedom #FreedomWarning #RealLifeHero

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Gender dysphoria is reaching an all-time high in America, and it's hurting children. The growing trend of gender confusion is having detrimental effects on our youth, leading to increased mental health issues and confusion during critical developmental years. To make matters worse, political leaders are failing to protect our children. The Utah governor recently vetoed a transgender sports ban, allowing biological males to compete in female sports, which compromises the integrity of women's athletics and puts female athletes at a disadvantage.
Visit our website for more info: We Are The People
🔗 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe** to stay updated on our future episodes. Your support is crucial in our mission to bring awareness and provoke critical thinking.
🔔 Subscribe and hit the notification bell** to receive updates on our latest investigations and discussions.
Special GuestsMatt ReyJudith RosePatriot Punch:https://wearethepeople.org/product/patriot-punch-red-pill-watermelon-nootropics-energy-supplement/
Show Notes & References
Visit our website for detailed show notes and references for this episode.Our Proud & Patriotic SponsorsLiberty LibraryEneviveUVO Agency📱 Stay ConnectedFollow us on Instagram**: @wearethepeopleLike us on Facebook**: We Are The PeopleVisit our website**: We Are The PeopleHashtags#WeAreThePeople#ConservativeMedia#AmericanFreedom#PoliticalDiscussion#RedStatePodcast#SaltLakeCityConservatives#ConservativeCommentary#PatrioticTalk#SaltLakeCityTalk#GenderDysphoriaCrisis#ProtectOurChildren#TransgenderSportsDebate#UtahPolitics#YouthMentalHealth#SaveWomensSports#ConservativeStand#PoliticalAccountability#ChildrenFirst#GenderIdeology#ParentalRights#BiologicalReality#TransgenderPolicy#GenderConfusionCrisis#GovernorVeto#FemaleAthletesRights#PatrioticDuty#AwarenessAndAction

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Visit our website for more info https://wearethepeople.org/resources/
🔗 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe** to stay updated on our future episodes. Your support is crucial in our mission to bring awareness and provoke critical thinking.
-🔔Subscribe and hit the notification bell** to receive updates on our latest investigations and discussions.
Patriot Punch
- [Patriot Punch](https://wearethepeople.org/product/pa...)
Show Notes & References
- Visit our website for detailed show notes and references for this episode.
Our Proud & Patriotic Sponsors
- [Liberty Library](https://libertylibrary.com/)- [Enevive](https://Enevive.com/)- [UVO Agency](https://www.uvoagency.com/)
📱 Stay Connected
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Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Visit our website for more info https://wearethepeople.org/resources/
🔗 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe** to stay updated on our future episodes. Your support is crucial in our mission to bring awareness and provoke critical thinking.
-🔔Subscribe and hit the notification bell** to receive updates on our latest investigations and discussions.
*Patriot Punch*
- [Patriot Punch](https://wearethepeople.org/product/pa...)
*Show Notes & References*
- Visit our website for detailed show notes and references for this episode.
*Our Proud & Patriotic Sponsors*
- [Liberty Library](https://libertylibrary.com/)- [Enevive](https://Enevive.com/)- [UVO Agency](https://www.uvoagency.com/)
📱 *Stay Connected*
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Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
🔊 *Welcome to We Are The People Radio* 🔊
🔗 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe** to stay updated on our future episodes. Your support is crucial in our mission to bring awareness and provoke critical thinking.
🎧 Tune in now and become a part of the conversation that matters.**
🚨Stay Informed and Engaged🚨
-🔔Subscribe and hit the notification bell** to receive updates on our latest investigations and discussions.
*Special Thanks to Our Wonderful Guest*
Trent Staggs
*Patriot Punch*
- [Patriot Punch](https://wearethepeople.org/product/pa...)
*Show Notes & References*
- Visit our website for detailed show notes and references for this episode.
*Our Proud & Patriotic Sponsors*
- [Liberty Library](https://libertylibrary.com/)- [Enevive](https://Enevive.com/)- [UVO Agency](https://www.uvoagency.com/)- [Utah's Builder](
/ utahsbuilder )
📱 *Stay Connected*
- Follow us on Instagram**: [@wearethepeople](
/ wearethepeople )- Like us on Facebook**: [We Are The People](
/ wearethepeople )- Visit our website**: [We Are The People](https://wearethepeople.org/)
🚨 Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell**🔔 to be notified whenever we release new videos. Share this episode with your friends and family to spread awareness. Together, we can make a difference!
- #WeAreThePeople- #ConservativeViews- #ConservativeMedia- #AmericanFreedom- #PoliticalDiscussion- #RedStatePodcast- #SaltLakeCityConservatives- #ConservativeCommentary- #PatrioticTalk- #RightWingInsights- #SaltLakeCityTalk- #ProLifeAdvocacy- #SecondAmendmentRights- #LimitedGovernment- #ConstitutionalRights- #EconomicFreedom- #MAGA- #RepublicanIdeals- #AmericanHeritage- #AmericanDream- #ConservativeRadio- #LibertyAdvocates- #ConservativePanel- #ReligiousFreedom- #SmallGovernment- #ConservativeLeadership- #StrongMilitary- #AmericanHeritage- #ConservativeVoices- #FreedomOfReligion- #ConstitutionalConservatives- #FiscalResponsibility- #LawandOrder- #ConservativeSolutions- #AmericanExceptionalism- #WeAreThePeopleUT- #WeAreThePeopleUTPodcast- #Podcast- #MoralValues- #AmericanLiberty- #ConservativeBeliefs- #ElectionIntegrity- #SaltLakeCityNews- #WeThePeople- #ConservativeMovement- #GodandCountry- #UtahPolitics- #ConservativePodcast- #SaltLakeCity- #Patriotism- #ConservativeValues- #PoliticalCommentary- #AmericanPatriotism- #FreedomandLiberty- #CurrentEvents- #RedStateInsights- #AmericanConservatism- #SaltLakeCityPodcast- #RepublicanParty- #ConservativeTalkShow- #USAPolitics- #LibertyandFreedomAdvocates- #UtahConservatives- #americanvalues- #Trent Staggs

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Visit our website for more info https://wearethepeople.org/resources/
Our Guests:Jennifer EavesTracie Halvorsen🔗 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe** to stay updated on our future episodes. Your support is crucial in our mission to bring awareness and provoke critical thinking.
Chapters:00:00 - Intro5:43 - Washington County7:49 - CD220:00 - Governor Race30:23 - AG Race42:33 - State Auditor51:24 - Senate Race1:04:50- CD11:07:18 - CD31:37:50 - Davis County1:40:22 - Utah County1:49:00 - Salt Lake County
-🔔Subscribe and hit the notification bell** to receive updates on our latest investigations and discussions.
*Patriot Punch*
- [Patriot Punch](https://wearethepeople.org/product/pa...)
*Show Notes & References*
- Visit our website for detailed show notes and references for this episode.
*Our Proud & Patriotic Sponsors*
- [Liberty Library](https://libertylibrary.com/)- [Enevive](https://Enevive.com/)- [UVO Agency](https://www.uvoagency.com/)
📱 *Stay Connected*
- Follow us on Instagram**: [@wearethepeople](
/ wearethepeople )- Like us on Facebook**: [We Are The People](
/ wearethepeople )- Visit our website**: [We Are The People](https://wearethepeople.org/)
- #WeAreThePeople- #johncurtis- #ConservativeMedia- #AmericanFreedom- #PoliticalDiscussion- #RedStatePodcast- #SaltLakeCityConservatives- #ConservativeCommentary- #PatrioticTalk- #RightWingInsights- #SaltLakeCityTalk- #ProLifeAdvocacy- #LimitedGovernment- #ConstitutionalRights- #EconomicFreedom- #RepublicanIdeals- #AmericanHeritage- #AmericanDream- #ConservativeRadio- #LibertyAdvocates- #ConservativePanel- #ReligiousFreedom- #SmallGovernment- #ConservativeLeadership- #StrongMilitary- #AmericanHeritage- #ConservativeVoices- #FreedomOfReligion- #ConstitutionalConservatives- #FiscalResponsibility- #LawandOrder- #ConservativeSolutions- #AmericanExceptionalism- #WeAreThePeopleUT- #WeAreThePeopleUTPodcast- #Podcast- #MoralValues- #AmericanLiberty- #ConservativeBeliefs- #ElectionIntegrity- #SaltLakeCityNews- #WeThePeople- #ConservativeMovement- #GodandCountry- #UtahPolitics- #ConservativePodcast- #SaltLakeCity- #Patriotism- #ConservativeValues- #PoliticalCommentary- #AmericanPatriotism- #FreedomandLiberty- #CurrentEvents- #RedStateInsights- #AmericanConservatism- #SaltLakeCityPodcast- #RepublicanParty- #ConservativeTalkShow- #USAPolitics- #LibertyandFreedomAdvocates- #UtahConservatives- #americanvalues- #Trent Staggs

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
🔊 Welcome to We Are The People Radio, your go-to destination for thought-provoking discussions and uncovering the truth that mainstream media often overlooks. 🎙️
🔗 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay updated on our future episodes. Your support is crucial in our mission to bring awareness and provoke critical thinking. Together, let's unravel the mysteries and stand united against the forces that threaten our community.
🎧 Tune in now and become a part of the conversation that matters. We Are The People Radio – where truth meets courage. #ShadowsOfPower #GlenPaceMemo #UtahPodcast #ConservativeTalk 🇺🇸
Stay informed, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to receive updates on our latest investigations and discussions.
🎙️Thanks To Our Wonderful Guest🎙️Guest: Karys Rhea
Patriot Punch: https://wearethepeople.org/product/pa...
📚Show Notes & References:
🔽Our Proud & Patriotic Sponsors!!!🔽https://j-msteel.com/https://libertylibrary.com/https://jordanvalleyconstruction.com/https://Enevive.com/https://www.uvoagency.com/https://www.facebook.com/utahsbuilder/https://www.gcoptimized.com/
💻Stay Connected:📱Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearethepeo...Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearethepeop...Visit our website for more information: https://wearethepeople.org/
🚨Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell🔔 to be notified whenever we release new videos. Share this episode with your friends and family to spread awareness. Together, we can make a difference!
💻Hastags:#WeAreThePeople #ConservativeViews#ConservativeMedia#AmericanFreedom#PoliticalDiscussion#RedStatePodcast#SaltLakeCityConservatives#ConservativeCommentary#PatrioticTalk#RightWingInsights#SaltLakeCityTalk#ProLifeAdvocacy#SecondAmendmentRights#LimitedGovernment#NationalSecurity#ConstitutionalRights#EconomicFreedom#MAGA#ConservativeDebate#RepublicanIdeals#AmericanHeritage#AmericanDream#ConservativeRadio#LibertyAdvocates#ConservativePanel#ReligiousFreedom#SmallGovernment#ConservativeLeadership#StrongMilitary#AmericanHeritage#ConservativeVoices#FreedomOfReligion#ConstitutionalConservatives#FiscalResponsibility#LawandOrder#ConservativeSolutions#AmericanExceptionalism#ConservativeMindset#FreeMarketValues#AmericanIdentity#MoralValues#AmericanLiberty#ConservativeBeliefs#ElectionIntegrity#SaltLakeCityNews#WeThePeople#ConservativeMovement#GodandCountry#SaltLakeCityConservatism#ConservativeUnity#ConservativePodcast#SaltLakeCity#Patriotism#ConservativeValues#PoliticalCommentary#UtahPolitics#AmericanPatriotism#FreedomandLiberty#CurrentEvents#RightWingPerspective#RedStateInsights#AmericanConservatism#SaltLakeCityPodcast#RepublicanParty#ConservativeTalkShow#USAPolitics#LibertyandFreedomAdvocates#UtahConservatives#AmericanValues